What if you (finally!) knew what you truly want to do in life?

Career Clarity Week

September 14-16

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
3-Day hands-on LIVE training for professionals considering a career change. Go from “stuck and lacking clarity” to knowing your unique strengths + having a clear plan for discovering a fulfilling career path that maximizes your potential!

What if you (finally!) knew what you truly want to do in life?

Career Clarity Week

September 14-16

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
3-Day hands-on LIVE training for professionals considering a career change. Go from “stuck and lacking clarity” to knowing your unique strengths + having a clear plan for discovering a fulfilling career path that maximizes your potential!

You want to discover a fulfilling career to finally stop dreading Mondays and live a more meaningful life... Only problem is... 
Where do you even start?!

There are 3 main hurdles that are keeping you from actually doing your Life's Work 
and living up to your true potential...

Which one is keeping you stuck?

Problem N° 1

You really don't know what you truly want to do! 
  • You are lacking a clear purpose and maybe even unsure about what your unique gifts and passions are anymore...  
  • ​You are certain that you love helping people but you are missing a clear vision of your future and it really bothers and even scares you. 
  • You ask: "What can I do as a career that actually energizes me AND pays well at the same time?" 

Problem N° 2

You lack understanding of how to actually find a meaningful career path.
  • ​Maybe you've already looked up a bunch of job postings but all it gave you was that analysis paralysis? 
  • ​Maybe you've already started rewriting your resume but felt confused about articulating what truly matters...  
  • You may have even read some books and articles but they didn't really answer your biggest question either?

Problem N° 3

Deep down, you are afraid of making a career change...
  • ​You know that you're great at what you currently do (and it feels comfortable to have that financial security!), but switching to something else?... 
  • ​You don't want to start from the very beginning again!   
  • What if you need a new degree, which can be expensive...? 
  • W​hat if, God forbid, you actually fail at this new endeavor?!...

You want to discover a fulfilling career to finally stop dreading Mondays and live a more meaningful life... Only problem is... Where do you even start?!

There are 3 main hurdles that may be keeping you from actually doing your Life's Work and living up to your true potential...

Which one is keeping you stuck?

Problem N° 1

You really don't know what you truly want to do!
  • You are lacking a clear purpose and maybe even unsure about what your unique gifts and passions are anymore...
  • You are certain that you love helping people but you are missing a clear vision of your future and it really bothers and even scares you.
  • You ask: "What can I do as a career that actually energizes me AND pays well at the same time?" 

Problem N° 2

You lack understanding of how to actually find a meaningful career path.
  • Maybe you've already looked up a bunch of job postings but all it gave you was that analysis paralysis?
  • Maybe you've already started rewriting your resume but felt confused about articulating what truly matters...  
  • ​Maybe you've even read some books and articles but they didn't really answer your biggest question either?

Problem N° 3

Deep down, you are afraid of making a career change...
  • You know that you're great at what you currently do (and it feels comfortable to have that financial security!), but switching to something else?... 
  • You don't want to start from the very beginning again! 
  • ​What if you need a new degree, which can be expensive...? 
  • What if, God forbid, you actually fail at this new endeavor?!...

It feels like there are SO MANY THINGS standing in your way which is causing you to...


Stay in that unfulfilling job that drains you and feels like something you "should do" instead of something you actually "want to do"...


Bring that negative energy home which affects your relationships with your loved ones and it makes you even sadder...

And no matter how much you try to figure it out, you're struggling to confidently identify what is the right career path to pursue. Sounds familiar?

It probably feels like there are SO MANY THINGS standing in your way which is causing you to...


Stay in that unfulfilling job that drains you and feels like something you "should do" instead of something you actually "want to do"...
Lower your prices in an attempt to make yourself more appealing




Bring that negative energy home which affects your relationships with your loved ones and it makes you even sadder...
Work double-time for demanding clients who don't value your time at all!

And no matter how much you try to figure it out, you're struggling to confidently identify what is the right career path to pursue. Sounds familiar?

Before we dive any deeper, let me introduce myself:)

Anastasia Tripolskaya
ICF Certified Career Clarity, Life Purpose & Business Coach

Hello, I'm Anastasia!

For over 10 years, I've helped people gain clarity and live their purpose. 

Nothing makes me happier than a person who's discovered their life's work and lives to truly maximize their potential while making a greater impact!

Yes, I'm a Career Clarity, Life Purpose & Business Coach. I'm certified by the International Coach Federation (ICF) and Erickson Coaching International.

Aaaand I can confidently say that I have the best job in the world! 🥰⁠ (well, maybe I'm just a bit biased😇⁠⁠...) as I get to live my purpose in life by helping people align with theirs!

After, of course, having gone through a big career transition myself as my life hasn't always been this way:

I went from a successful (but not always fulfilling...) Fortune 100 Marketing & Strategy Consulting career at Deloitte to follow my calling in life and run my coaching business full-time.

Before that, I also worked in Silicon Valley in Product Management at Intuit and had a 16-year-long tennis career that brought me to compete for the University of Wisconsin-Madison as a scholar student-athlete.

As I was saying, let's jump back in...

Before we dive any deeper, let me introduce myself:)

Hello, I'm Anastasia!

For over 10 years, I've helped people gain clarity and live their purpose. 

Nothing makes me happier than a person who's discovered their life's work and lives to truly maximize their potential while making a greater impact in the world!

Yes, I'm a Career Clarity, Life Purpose & Business Coach. I'm certified by the International Coach Federation (ICF) and Erickson Coaching International.

Aaaand I can confidently say that I have the best job in the world! 🥰⁠ (well, maybe I'm just a bit biased😇⁠⁠...) as I get to live my purpose in life by helping people align with theirs!

After, of course, having gone through a big career transition myself as my life hasn't always been this way:

I went from a successful (and very secure...) but not always fulfilling Fortune 100 Marketing & Strategy Consulting career at Deloitte to follow my calling in life and run my coaching business full-time.

Before that, I also worked in Silicon Valley in Product Management at Intuit and had a 16-year-long tennis career that brought me to compete for the University of Wisconsin-Madison as a scholar student-athlete.

As I was saying, let's jump back in...

Here’s the truth: if you are ready to create a change in your career, you need to better understand WHO you truly are and WHAT you truly want.

By now you've realized that it doesn’t really matter how amazing your resume is and how much you're earning if you are...

... not happy with what you do, 
... constantly waiting for a Friday to come
... feeling like something is missing...

On the other hand, you see yourself as a leader who is meant to make a difference in the world -  even though right now you are not sure in what particular way.

And it's okay!
Realization of where you are now and what is missing is a very important part of your journey!

Hear me out:

Successful career changers know that sometimes in order to speed up in their lives and careers - they actually need to slow down firstQuite literally! 

Meaning: they need to prioritize reflection to rediscover themselves, make proper research and make sure that they are choosing a career path that is meaningful, joyful and sustainable longer term - not another "safe job"!
And it all starts with reconnecting with your true self and understanding what is the most authentic and impactful way FOR YOU to SERVE THE WORLD.

Each and every single one of us has their very own special gift or talent for helping this word! Yes. We all have something that this world really needs - right now!

And - it's our job to RECOGNIZE our gifts and SHARE them with the others!

Not only will this help you understand yourself - but it will also give you a clue of several careers or business ideas that you could pursue to actually live a life full of meaning!

That being said, my friend: I invite you to take your first step with me!

Here’s the truth: if you are ready to create a change in your career, you need to better understand WHO you truly are and WHAT you truly want.

By now you've realized that it doesn’t really matter how amazing your resume is and how much you're earning if you are...

... not happy with what you do, 
... constantly looking for a Friday to come
... feeling like something is missing...

On the other hand, you see yourself as a leader who is meant to make a difference in the world -  even though right now you are not sure in what particular way.

And it's okay!
Realization of where you are now and what is missing is a very important part of your journey!

Hear me out:

Successful career changers know that sometimes in order to speed up in their lives and careers - they actually need to slow down firstQuite literally! 

Meaning: they need to prioritize reflection to rediscover themselves, make proper research and make sure that they are choosing a career path that is meaningful, joyful and sustainable longer term - not another "safe job"!
And it all starts with reconnecting with your true self and understanding what is the most authentic and impactful way for you too to serve this world.

Each and every single one of us has their very own special gift or talent for helping this word! Yes. We all have something that this world really needs - right now!

And - it's our job to recognize our gifts and share them with others!!

Not only will this help you understand yourself - but it will also give you a clue of several careers or business ideas that you could pursue to actually live a life full of meaning!

That being said, my friend: I invite you to take your first step with me!


Career Clarity

Career Clarity



3-Day Training to Help Professionals Searching for a Fulfilling Career Gain Clarity of Direction!

"From Identifying Your Unique Talents & Strengths to Finding Your Life's Work!"

By the end of this training, you will be able to:
  • Identify your unique gifts to maximize your potential!
  • ​Avoid 6 crucial mistakes that keep millions of people stuck!
  • ​​Adopt a mindset of a confident career changer!
  • Know how to find a fulfilling & suitable career in only 7 weeks!

"From Identifying Your Unique Talents & Strengths to Finding your Life's Work!"

By the end of this training, you will be able to:
  • Have a clear idea of what your unique gifts are!
  • ​Avoid 6 crucial mistakes that keep millions of people stuck!
  • ​​Adopt a mindset of a confident career changer!
  • Know how to find a fulfilling & suitable career in only 7 weeks!

Career Clarity Week Agenda:

3 Days Hands-On LIVE Training to take you from “stuck and lacking clarity” to knowing your unique gifts + having a clear plan for discovering a fulfilling career path that maximizes your potential!

Day 1: Identify Your Unique Strengths and Talents

Tuesday, September 14th, 6PM to 8PM EST

  • Learn why career changers must know their core strengths & talents (unique gifts)
  • ​Understand how you can utilize them in identifying a fulfilling career path
  • Implement my proven step-by-step Strengths Discovery Methodology
  • ​Identify your unique gifts to maximize your potential

Day 2: 6 Crucial Mistakes to Avoid + Confident Career Changer Mindset

Wednesday, September 15th, 6PM to 7PM EST

  • Avoid 6 crucial mistakes that keep millions of people stuck & unhappy
  • ​Learn mindset strategies to confidently change careers
  • ​Adopt the most important qualities of visionary change-makers

Day 3: 7-Week Roadmap to Finding Your Life's Work 

Thursday, September 16th, 6PM to 7:30PM EST

  • Learn my proven system for Finding Your Life's Work in only 7 weeks!
  • ​Have a plan to discover a fulfilling & suitable career path
  • ​​Build confidence that YOU can make a Successful Career Pivot, too 
  • ​Hear inspiring stories of people who've finally decided what they want to do

BONUS Day 4: Ultimate Q&A and Closing Ceremony

Sunday, September 19th, 11AM to 12PM EST

  • Ask away any burning questions you may still have
  • ​Celebrate all the progress you've made in just one week!
  • ​Get inspired and reenergized with like-minded people
  • ​Dance your happy dance as you're building a meaningful future!

Career Clarity Week Agenda:

3 Days Hands-On LIVE Training to take you from “stuck and lacking clarity” to knowing your unique gifts + having a clear plan for discovering a fulfilling career path that maximizes your potential!

Day 1: Identify Your Unique Strengths and Talents

Tuesday, Sept 14, 6PM to 8PM EST

  • Learn why career changers must know their core strengths & talents (unique gifts)
  • ​Understand how you can utilize them in identifying a fulfilling career path
  • Implement my proven step-by-step Strengths Discovery Methodology
  • ​Identify your unique gifts to maximize your potential

Day 2: 6 Crucial Mistakes to Avoid + Confident Career Changer Mindset

Wednesday, Sept 15, 6PM to 7PM EST

  • Avoid 6 crucial mistakes that keep millions of people stuck & unhappy
  • ​Learn mindset strategies to confidently change careers
  • ​Adopt the most important qualities of visionary change-makers

Day 3: 7-Week Roadmap to Finding Your Life's Work 

Thursday, Sept 16, 6PM to 7:30PM EST

  • Learn my proven system for Finding Your Life's Work in only 7 weeks!
  • ​Have a plan to discover a fulfilling & suitable career path
  • Build confidence that YOU can make a Successful Career Pivot, too 
  • ​​Hear inspiring stories of people who've finally decided what they want to do

BONUS Day 4: Ultimate Q&A and Closing Ceremony

Sunday, Sept 19th, 11AM to 12PM EST

  • Ask away any burning questions you may still have
  • ​Celebrate all the progress you've made in just one week!
  • ​Get inspired and reenergized with like-minded people
  • ​Dance your happy dance as you're building a meaningful future!
For real. Here’s a snapshot of our Stripe account from our most recent launch: 
And if you’re like, “Okay cool, but I’m not you. It won’t work for me because I’m just starting out / don’t have a niche yet / don’t have an email list / etc.”...

… check out what this process has done for our students who are just like you:
That's Jordan, a recent bootcamp participant of ours who teaches fly fishing and reached out after using the secret ingredients taught inside our bootcamp...

Within 5 minutes of making his offer, he had sold over $4,000 of online course sales!

Or what about Joy Foster who helps women build online technical skills so they can return to work or change careers...
After making a few key changes to her $2,000 program, she went on to have her biggest promotion bringing in over 100 new customers!

She also used our killer promotion strategy, but more on that later...

Or how about Magnus Zetterlund who teaches people how to play the mandolin..
He's a recent member of our annual coaching program and that's him posting in our private Slack community.

We walked him through using the same ingredients you will learn in this bootcamp and he went on to make $22,902 in his first promotion!

Basically, we know a thing or two about helping people like you tap into the thriving online, multi-billion dollar online education industry and get paid for what you already know. 

Sound like something you’re into? Keep on readin’, friend. 

Oh wait… There is more!! You're also getting 4 FREE BONUSES when you join!

BONUS Training: Ultimate Q&A and Closing Ceremony ($249 Value)
Bring any outstanding questions and celebrate all the progress you've made in just one week! 
Strengths Discovery Step-by-Step Workbook ($99 Value)
Access the exact step-by-step workbook that my coaching clients use to clarify their unique gifts! You're going to work through this blueprint during the bootcamp to gain clarity.
Facebook Group Access for Support & Accountability ($299 Value)
Consider this your hub for the bootcamp. This is where you can post your homework, connect with like-minded professionals considering a career change, and get your questions asnwered by me.
Members Portal With Replays & Training Materials ($199 Value)
Missed some part of the training? No problem! You will have 2 months to watch replays.

Get the step-by-step training to discover your unique strengths and talents for just $37!

When you sign up for the Strengths Discovery Bootcamp, you'll get...
  •  Identify Your Unique Strengths and Talents ($399 Value)
  • ​Strengths Discovery Step-by-Step Workbook ($199 Value)
  • ​8-Step Roadmap for Finding Your Life's Work ($499 Value)
  • 5 Mindset Strategies to Confidently Change Careers ($599 Value)
  • Private Bootcamp Facebook Group for Support and Accountability ($399 Value)
  • 2 Months Access to the Bootcamp Recordings & Materials ($299 Value)

Snag over $2,394 in value...
...for just $47

Get the Step-by-Step Training to Get Unstuck and Gain Career Clarity - for just $47! ($2,143)

When you sign up for the "Career Clarity Week", you'll get...

Live Training:

  • Day 1: Strengths Discovery Hand-On Workshop ($399 Value)
  • Day 2: 6 Crucial Mistakes to Avoid + Confident Career Changer Mindset ($399 Value)
  • Day 3: 7-Week Roadmap to Find Life's Work ($499 Value)


  • ​BONUS Day 4: Ultimate Q&A & Ceremony ($249 Value)
  • ​Strengths Discovery Step-by-Step Workbook ($99 Value)
  • ​Facebook Group for Support & Accountability ($299 Value)
  • Members Portal For Replays & Downloads ($199 Value)

Unlock over $2,143 in value... for just $47

And in case you need an extra (loving) push to believe in yourself… here’s my 10x guarantee: 

I 100% guarantee that you will love this training!

If after the end of Day 1 you feel like you haven't gotten at least 10X the value of your investment I will happily refund your investment in full. All you have to do is email me by 8:59am EST on Day 2 for a full refund. 

Sound fair?
This system works. But don’t take it from me! 
Here’s what some of my previous clients say:
This system works. But don’t take it from me! 
Here’s what some of my previous clients say:

"... I chose a career that makes me feel happy! I am actually living the life I want to!

My coach and dearest friend Anastasia is indeed the kind of person who actually cares about you. Talking to her makes you feel that you were not only listened to but also cared about because she does. During the time when I was under depression and also confused about my future, Anastasia was there with me and guided me to reflect about what truly inspires me and embarks my passion. She encourages me to believe in myself and choose to live a life that I own. She challenged my traditional thought of thinking and thanks to that challenge, I chose a career that makes me feel happy! I am actually living the life I want to!  

Gladys Lai, Business Technology Analyst, PwC, Former President of AIESEC, New Zealand

"Anastasia inspires me to be my most genuine self!"

Anastasia is a personification of realization of one’s calling - she is a born mentor and self-discovered coach, whose love for her craft is only comparable to her skill for it. It is truly inspiring to see someone pursue a passion with so much devotion and confidence. She doesn’t just listen to me and asks questions (the right questions I should add) - she actually hears what I don’t say or avoid to say (often subconsciously) and finds subtle yet sure ways of bringing my hidden doubts, fears, and lots of other inner obstacles to the surface where we then can dissect them. Through our sessions, she has instilled in me the solution-oriented thinking habits and supplied me with numerous tools that have improved my self-understanding and helped me gain a lot more clarity on the directions I wish to stroll in and how to not get lost along the way. 

Yelena Kovalenko, Poet, Musician, Certified Public Accountant, New York, NY, USA

"...I feel clarity and firm balance between my soul and my mind..."

Anastasia is a great coach! I had multiple deep discussions with her on understanding my core passions and strengths and possible future paths to fully realize my potential. The results are always fascinating! By asking several questions, she is getting the whole picture of my background and dives deeply into my true desires. These discussions are so wonderfully organized that after each of them I feel clarity and firm balance between my soul and my mind, between my desires and reality outside.

Efim Boeru, Chief Technology Officer at Twin3D, Former Machine Learning Lead Engineer at Huawei, Moscow, Russia

"... she was the only one who told how to tackle challenges and see them as opportunities." 

I met Anastasia 2 years and developed an aspiration to have her free will and goal oriented vision. As a mentor, she created a comfortable environment for me to share my aspirations. So many people told me what to do, she was the only one helped me tackle challenges and see them as opportunities. As an immigrant, I’ve not had a straightforward career path - and one of the people who constantly checked on me was Anastasia. How many people have the time to check in on you these days?

Mansa Shroff, Founder of Fiamma Women, Harvard Medical School Researcher, Cambridge, MA

"... cooperation with her landed me a job in investment banking!"

I have been working with Anastasia for the last three years and the cooperation with her landed me a job in investment banking! Anastasia is so caring about her clients and knows business from all the angles. She knows what employers' demands are. If things can be done better, she will not be afraid to tell you. She works systematically and individually. If you are looking to for a job or want to build a strong personal brand, Anastasia is the best resource for you.

Tomas Pitra, Founder & President of Kalah USA, Investment Banking Intern, Chicago, IL, USA

Having questions? You've got your answers!

I am really lost and have no idea what I want... Is this for me?
Absolutely! This training is designed for those who've realized that they want to have a more meaningful and fulfilling career but shrink when someone asks them what exactly they see themselves doing in the future! Even if you current level of clarity is 1 out of 10 (or -10 as one of my past clients told me...) - You're exactly in the right place!
Where is this training happening?
It's all going down inside our private Facebook group and on Zoom! The trainings each day will be streamed into the group so you can tune in live or watch the replays. Did I mention you also get 2-months access to the replays in case you'd want to go back and review?
Will this help me find the right career for me?
It definitely can - it's ultimately up to you! This training will teach you the exact strategies I use to help my private coaching clients discover meaningful AND suitable careers. You'll gain clarity around your unique strengths and talents, which is the ultimate foundation for choosing a fulfilling career, as well as understand what mistakes you need to avoid, develop a mindset of a confident career changer and access my 7-week roadmap for finding your life's work! Although learning all of this may already clarify what you want to do in life, there is only so much I can teach and coach you on in three days:)
What if I can’t make it live?
Don’t worry about it! Your ticket comes with a 2-months access to the call recordings, so you can watch them whenever it works best for you. However, I’ll be jamming out and answering questions live, so I HIGHLY recommend you show up and make the time! If you don’t prioritize your happiness now, when will you?
Why is it so cheap to join?
You're right...maybe I should increase the price? Just kidding! But in all seriousness, I believe the information in this bootcamp should be made available to everyone (no matter their situation), which is why the ticket price is so affordable. With that being said, I can't confirm if the price will stay this low in the future so I recommend you take advantage of it while you can!

If you’ve made it here… then it’s time to decide, 
my friend.

Here’s the truth: nothing changes if nothing changes. 
If you're sick and tired of being unhappy in a career that doesn't fulfill you...
If you've ever thought on a Sunday: "Gosh.. I really don't want to go to work tomorrow. Thinking of it makes me feel sick"...

If you're fed up doing "what you think you should" and staying in job just for the paycheck, a sense of security and the fact that it looks great on a resume...

If you are exhausted from the indecision and analysis paralysis and want someone to show you the EXACT PATH you need to follow in order for you to finally figure out what you truly want to do in life...
Then straight up? You're falling behind if you're not attending this training.
Because just switching jobs without a serious reflection and research is just too risky, painful and time-consuming. And you deserve better than that.
So.. are you in? 

Anastasia Tripolskaya
Career Clarity, Life Purpose & Business Coach